Sabtu, 30 November 2013

PENGALAMAN SAYA SEMINAR TNT “ Tips N Trick” , Let’s Be SuMo ( Success Moslem)

HADAPI, SELAMI (Hidup Adalah Pilihan, maka Sukses pilihan kami).
Pembicara : Pak Adhyaksa Dault (Menpora 2004-2009) dan Heru Hartanto (Alumni UG dan Fajrul islam).
Tanggal/Waktu: 28 september 2013 dan
                           Pukul 07.30 – selesai @D46
                           Kampus D Unviersitas Gunadarma.
Open House Pemuliaan Perempuan 12.45 WIB di ruang yang sama.
1.      Pembuka
2.      Sambutan
3.      Baca Al Quran
4.      Video opening dan Ukm mentoring FI “Jangan kuliah kalau tidak sukses”
5.      Promosi faris (video)
6.      Drama
·      Heru Hartanto
Kenapa kuliah?
·      Mencari ilmu pengetahuan
·      Menjadi kebanggan orang tua
·      Sebagai penerang jalan kehidupan
·      Mencari pengalaman
·      Bentuk rasa syukur
Bagaimana tetap eksis dan tetap berprestasi di kampus?
·         Memiliki target pribadi
·         Manajemen waktu
·         Belajar
·         Jangan menunda tugas atau amanah
·         Tetaplah bermimpi
Ustadz Arsais Syah : motivation trainer, leadership, character, building trainer, spiritual motivation.
“The Pencil Parable”
In the beginning the pencil maker spoke to the pencil saying. There are five things you need to know before. I send you out into the world.
·         First:
You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in someone’s hand.
·         Second:
You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, but this is reguired if you are to become a better pencil.
·         Third:
You have the ability to correct any mistakes you might make.
·         Fourth:
The most important part of you will always be what’s inside.
·         Fifth:
No matter what the condition, you must continute to write. You must always leave a cleas, legible mark no matter how difficuit the situation.
You will be able to do many  great things but only if you allow yourself to be heid in allah’s hand. And allow other human beings to access you for the many gifts you possess.
Sumber :  
SEMINAR TNT “ Tips N Trick” , Let’s Be SuMo ( Success Moslem)

NPM     : 16213475

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